Reducing Uncertainties in Biogeochemical Interactions through Synthesis and Computation (RUBISCO) Scientific Focus Area (SFA), ORNL, 2018-2020 (Co-I, PI: Forrest Hoffman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

This work is part of the project Reducing Uncertainties in Biogeochemical Interactions through Synthesis and Computation (RUBISCO) Scientific Focus Area (SFA) funded by DOE, led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The overarching goals of RUBISCO SFA are to identify and quantify interactions between biogeochemical and hydrological cycles and the Earth system, and to quantify and reduce uncertainties in Earth system models (ESMs) associated with those interactions. The research tasks led by Dr. Yiqi Luo at Northern Arizona University (NAU) are aimed to enhance benchmark analysis of the carbon cycle for terrestrial models. Luo lab will contribute to the research and development activities of the RUBISCO SFA by developing a unified diagnostic system (UDS) prototype to enhance benchmark analysis of the carbon cycle for global land models. His lab will also use a transient traceability framework to decompose model output into traceable components, which will be compared with benchmark datasets to identify sources model uncertainty.