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Videos for the 4th training course New Advances in Land Carbon Cycle Modeling (May 17-28, 2021)



TCS model

TECO model

TECO model in C++

TECO model in Python


Rates of litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: global patterns and controlling factors

Divergence of reproductive phenology under climate warming

Terrestrial carbon-cycle feedback to climate warming: experimental evidence on plant regulation and impacts of biofuel feedstock harvest

Carbon: nitrogen stoichiometry in forest ecosystems during stand development

Isometric biomass partitioning pattern in forest ecosystems: evidence from temporal observations during stand development

Progressive nitrogen limitation ofecosystem responses to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide

Soil properties control decomposition of soil organic carbon: results from data-assimilation analysis

Dual mechanisms regulate ecosystem stability under decade-long warming and hay harvest

Transient traceability analysis of land carbon storage dynamics: procedures and its application to two forest ecosystems

Ecosystem carbon transit versus turnover times in response to climate warming and rising atmospheric CO2 concentration

Full implementation of matrix approach to biogeochemistry module of Community Land Model version 5 (CLM5)

Country-level land carbon sink and its causing components by the middle of the 21st century


The 1st version of the protocol for model intercomparison on terrestrial biogeochemistry has been released

Probabilistic inversion of a terrestrial ecosystem model: analysis of uncertainty in parameter estimation and model prediction

Evaluation and Improvement of a Global Land Model against Soil Carbon Data Using a Bayesian MCMC Method

Methods for estimating temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter based on incubation data: A comparative evaluation

Inverse analysis of coupled carbon-nitrogen cycles against multiple datasets at ambient and elevated CO2

Transient Dynamics of Terrestrial Carbon Storage: Mathematical foundation and Numeric Examples

Soil thermal dynamics, snow cover and frozen depth under five temperature treatments in an ombrotrophic bog: Constrained forecast with data assimilation

Matrix approach to land carbon cycle modeling: A case study with the Community Land Model

The first version of MIDA (Model Independent Data Assimilation) software