Current Topics
- Carbon and Nitrogen Interaction
- Regional and Global Modeling to be Improved by Data Assimilation
- Soil Respiration
- Model intercomparisons on terrestrial biogeochemistry
- Matrix approach to land carbon cycle modeling
Past Topics
Current Projects
- Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change. ORNL, 2024-2028 (Co-I, PIs: Paul Hanson and Daniel Ricciuto, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- TECO modeling, data assimilation, and ecological forecasting at Sevilleta (SEV) LTER site. NSF, 2018-2024 (Co-PI, PI: Jennifer Rudgers, University of New Mexico)
- Constraining the continental-scale terrestrial carbon cycle using NEON data. NSF, 2020-2024 (PI: Jingfeng Xiao, University of New Hampshire)
- USDA Climate Smart Commodities NYS Connects: Climate Smart Farms and Forests Project. NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, 2023-2028 (PI)
- Empirical measurements and model representation of hydraulic redistribution as a control on function of semiarid woody ecosystems. DOE, 2022-2025 (PI: William Pockman, University of New Mexico)
Past Projects
- Modeling studies of forest responses to elevated CO2
- Data assimilation to quantify regional and continental carbon sequestration
- Long-term responses of grassland ecosystems of experimental warming
- Mercury dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems in response to global change
- RCN: Forecasts Of Resource and Environmental Changes: data Assimilation Science and Technology (FORECAST). NSF, 2009-2017. (Principal Investigator)
- Effects of Warming the Deep Soil and Permafrost on Ecosystem Carbon Balance in Alaskan Tundra: A Coupled Measurement and Modeling Approach. DOE, 2011-2014. (Co-PI, PI: Ted Schuur, University of Florida)
- Model-Data Synthesis of Terrestrial Responses to Elevated CO2: Phase 2 of an ongoing collaboration between ecosystem and global modelers and empirical scientists from long-term CO2 enrichment experiments. DOE, 2012-2014. (Co-PI, PI: Rich Norby, ORNL)
- IRCEB Project
- Development of a Data Assimilation Capability towards Ecological Forecasting in a Data-Rich Era. NSF, 2009-2012. (Principal Investigator)
- A cyberCommons for Ecological Forecasting. NSF EPSCoR, 2009-2012. (Co-PI and lead scientist for Oklahoma, PI: Paul Risser, University of Oklahoma)
- Data Synthesis and Data Assimilation at Global Change Experiments and FLUXNET toward Improving Land Process Models. DOE, 2012-2017. (Principal Investigator)
- Grassland sensitivity to climate change at local to regional scales: assessing the role of ecosystem attributes vs. environmental context. NSF, 2012-2018. (Co-PI, PI: Alan Knapp, Colorado State University)
- LTREB: Effects of Warming and Clipping on Coupling of Carbon and Water Cycles in a Tallgrass Prairie. NSF, 2008-2013. (Principal Investigator)
- Coupled Long-Term Experiment and Model Investigation of the Differential Response of Plants and Soil Microbes in a Changing Permafrost Tundra Ecosystem. DOE, 2019-2022 (Co-PI, PI: Ted Schuur, Northern Arizona University)
- Reducing Uncertainties in Biogeochemical Interactions through Synthesis and Computation (RUBISCO) Scientific Focus Area (SFA), ORNL, 2018-2020 (Co-I, PI: Forrest Hoffman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- From Community Structure to Functions: Metagenomics-Enabled Predictive Understanding of Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Carbon Decomposition to Climate Warming. DOE, 2013-2016. (Co-PI, PI: Jizhong Zhou, University of Oklahoma)
- Adapting Socio-ecological Systems to Increased Climate Variability. NSF, 2013-2018 (Co-I, PI: Ray Huhnke, Oklahoma State University)
- Ecosystem Modeling in the South Central US: A Synthesis of Current Models toward the Developments of Coupled Models. USGS-SCCSC, 2015-2016. (Principal Investigator)
- Improved Parameterization of Carbon Cycle Models Across Scales Using OCO-2 Measurements of XCO2 and SIF. NASA, 2015-2018. (Co-I, PI: Sean Crowell, University of Oklahoma)
- Regional Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change: A Multifactor Experiment and Model Network. DOE, 2015-2019 (Co-PI, PI: Ted Schuur, Northern Arizona University)
- Training courses on the matrix approach to modeling land carbon and nitrogen cycles. NSF, 2018-2022 (PI)