
Current Topics

  1. Carbon and Nitrogen Interaction
  2. Regional and Global Modeling to be Improved by Data Assimilation
  3. Soil Respiration
  4. Model intercomparisons on terrestrial biogeochemistry
  5. Matrix approach to land carbon cycle modeling

Past Topics

    Current Projects

    1. Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change. ORNL, 2024-2028 (Co-I, PIs: Paul Hanson and Daniel Ricciuto, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    2. TECO modeling, data assimilation, and ecological forecasting at Sevilleta (SEV) LTER site. NSF, 2018-2024 (Co-PI, PI: Jennifer Rudgers, University of New Mexico)
    3. Constraining the continental-scale terrestrial carbon cycle using NEON data. NSF, 2020-2024 (PI: Jingfeng Xiao, University of New Hampshire)
    4. USDA Climate Smart Commodities NYS Connects: Climate Smart Farms and Forests Project. NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, 2023-2028 (PI)
    5. Empirical measurements and model representation of hydraulic redistribution as a control on function of semiarid woody ecosystems. DOE, 2022-2025 (PI: William Pockman, University of New Mexico)

    Past Projects

    1. Modeling studies of forest responses to elevated CO2
    2. Data assimilation to quantify regional and continental carbon sequestration
    3. Long-term responses of grassland ecosystems of experimental warming
    4. Mercury dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems in response to global change
    5. RCN: Forecasts Of Resource and Environmental Changes: data Assimilation Science and Technology (FORECAST). NSF, 2009-2017. (Principal Investigator)
    6. Effects of Warming the Deep Soil and Permafrost on Ecosystem Carbon Balance in Alaskan Tundra: A Coupled Measurement and Modeling Approach. DOE, 2011-2014. (Co-PI, PI: Ted Schuur, University of Florida)
    7. Model-Data Synthesis of Terrestrial Responses to Elevated CO2: Phase 2 of an ongoing collaboration between ecosystem and global modelers and empirical scientists from long-term CO2 enrichment experiments. DOE, 2012-2014. (Co-PI, PI: Rich Norby, ORNL)
    8. IRCEB Project
    9. Development of a Data Assimilation Capability towards Ecological Forecasting in a Data-Rich Era. NSF, 2009-2012. (Principal Investigator)
    10. A cyberCommons for Ecological Forecasting. NSF EPSCoR, 2009-2012. (Co-PI and lead scientist for Oklahoma, PI: Paul Risser, University of Oklahoma)
    11. Data Synthesis and Data Assimilation at Global Change Experiments and FLUXNET toward Improving Land Process Models. DOE, 2012-2017. (Principal Investigator)
    12. Grassland sensitivity to climate change at local to regional scales: assessing the role of ecosystem attributes vs. environmental context. NSF, 2012-2018. (Co-PI, PI: Alan Knapp, Colorado State University)
    13. LTREB: Effects of Warming and Clipping on Coupling of Carbon and Water Cycles in a Tallgrass Prairie. NSF, 2008-2013. (Principal Investigator)
    14. Coupled Long-Term Experiment and Model Investigation of the Differential Response of Plants and Soil Microbes in a Changing Permafrost Tundra Ecosystem. DOE, 2019-2022 (Co-PI, PI: Ted Schuur, Northern Arizona University)
    15. Reducing Uncertainties in Biogeochemical Interactions through Synthesis and Computation (RUBISCO) Scientific Focus Area (SFA), ORNL, 2018-2020 (Co-I, PI: Forrest Hoffman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    16. From Community Structure to Functions: Metagenomics-Enabled Predictive Understanding of Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Carbon Decomposition to Climate Warming. DOE, 2013-2016. (Co-PI, PI: Jizhong Zhou, University of Oklahoma)
    17. Adapting Socio-ecological Systems to Increased Climate Variability. NSF, 2013-2018 (Co-I, PI: Ray Huhnke, Oklahoma State University)
    18. Ecosystem Modeling in the South Central US: A Synthesis of Current Models toward the Developments of Coupled Models. USGS-SCCSC, 2015-2016. (Principal Investigator)
    19. Improved Parameterization of Carbon Cycle Models Across Scales Using OCO-2 Measurements of XCO2 and SIF. NASA, 2015-2018. (Co-I, PI: Sean Crowell, University of Oklahoma)
    20. Regional Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change: A Multifactor Experiment and Model Network. DOE, 2015-2019 (Co-PI, PI: Ted Schuur, Northern Arizona University)
    21. Training courses on the matrix approach to modeling land carbon and nitrogen cycles. NSF, 2018-2022 (PI)